Donate to Hartley

Donation Information

Hartley Lifecare relies on NDIS (National Disability Insurance Scheme) funding, corporate partners and individual donors as well as fundraising events to raise the funds needed to provide and enhance services for people living with physical and complex disabilities in our local community.

To help make a real difference in the lives of people with disabilities, please donate to Hartley Lifecare today.

Donations can be made through our secure site via the Donate button. A tax invoice is automatically issued.

If you would like to donate via electronic funds transfer Hartley's bank details are:

Account name: Hartley Lifecare
BSB: 325185
Account: 03950187

Please specify that it is a donation. If you would like a tax receipt please email

You can also send a cheque to 6 Hodgson Place, Pearce ACT 2607 or call Hartley on 02 6282 4411 to make a donation by phone.

Hartley Lifecare, and those we support, greatly appreciate your generosity.

Donations over $2 are tax deductible.