Our Philosophy

Person Centred
Person centred approach is about ensuring the person with disability is at the centre of decisions which relate to their life. People with disability have control and are involved in planning, developing and monitoring support to make sure it meets their individual needs.
Putting people and their families at the centre of decision making is a core focus for Hartley. We also train our staff in active support and implement this model across our support service for the best outcome for the person with disability.

Family Governance
Hartley Lifecare applies a Family Governance model to all of the services we provide, allowing the person supported and their families to be involved in determining the care requirements as much or as little as they like.
It is crucial for us to be able to provide appropriate support through listening to each individual in an effort to fully understand their needs. This involves working closely with those who have a greater level of awareness of the individual’s life experiences. Through ongoing feedback we are able to properly support the individual and help them to achieve their goals and aspirations.

Active Support
Active Support is a way for people with disability to engage in meaningful everyday activities of their choice, with the amount of support they need.
Our active support training is provided by registered qualified trainers and tailored to each individual and their support requirements.