Benambra Intentional Community
The Getting a Life Intentional Community is a 25-residence housing and community building project that is structured around the lives of Daniel, Ben and Jackson. Three houses are set aside, one for each of Daniel, Ben and Jackson.

About The Service
The Getting a Life Intentional Community is a 25-residence housing and community building project that is structured around the lives of Daniel, Ben and Jackson. Three houses are set aside, one for each of Daniel, Ben and Jackson. The remaining 22 units have been allocated to existing Housing ACT tenants who applied through Gateway Services at Housing ACT.

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Benambra nominated for the 2016 ACT Chief Minister’s Inclusion Awards
Benambra Intentional Community* is a community of 11 homes within a residential Housing ACT complex of 25 homes. The intentional community (IC) began as the result of a vision and a strategy of the families of three young men with a disability; Jackson, Dan and Ben.
Sally Awarded an Order of Australia Medal
On Australia day 2015, Sally Richards received an Order of Australia Medal “for her work as an innovator, activist and advocate for people with a disability since 2004”. Her award was written up in the Canberra Times, published the same day, in an article by Emma Kelly.